
Changing to double glazing doesn’t mean throwing away your existing aluminium windows.

With a small modification to your existing frames and beads, we can remove the existing single glazing from your existing windows and replace with new insulated, energy efficient, double glazed panels.

We can retrofit your existing aluminium windows of any size, shape or colour. We will colour match all existing colours as close as possible, fit our exclusive bead and fit new sashes (opening windows) to your existing joinery.

Your home will look like it’s been double glazed from day one!

The Benefits

The benefits of retrofitting your existing aluminium windows include; Warmer in winter & cooler in summer, reduction in energy costs, reduces condensation, noise reduction, increases security, reduces draughts, adds value to your property and reduces fading from UV.

Retrofit also offers significant cost savings when compared to completely replacing all your windows.

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